Natural Living


Kanuka: kunzea ericoides. From New Zealand, sister to Manuka

Kanuka is a tree or shrub from New Zealand and Australia.  The leaves and stems are steam distilled for an amazing scent of healing energy. If you inhale her deeply, you’ll smell the hint of fresh blooming flowers.  If you explore her even further, she will take you to a field that is fresh and alive with vegetation. You may even hear the birds chirping.

Wearing Kanuka helps bring out the purity of heart for each of us. When we respond to things from a pure heart, we know there is no chance of doing the wrong thing.  When our actions are guided by this purity, we feel connected to the universe and divine forces. We may feel quite vulnerable and like we’ll give too much, but Kanuka offers protection to the natural “erosion process” that we go through over time.  Whether we are in transition or simple awakening into a new day, Kanuka is a beautiful supporter helping us keep our hearts open to receive the guidance we need to move forward with peace and grace.  Kanuka is a great essence for clearing things out.  She helps us honor our past decisions and actions, but motivates us to let them go and clear the way for new ones.

The Maori Nation uses Kanuka for inflammation, as she is a powerful pain reliever and anti-inflammatory.  She is used for insomnia as well because she helps to calm and soothe the being lulling you into a deep sleep by blanketing you in love.  Kanuka is anti-fungal and is great on the skin for any dis-eases or dis-orders.  She is a natural anti-bacterial medicine and is great for ant bites – including Fire Ants. Kanuka soothes skin issues like fungal infections, acne, dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. She can even be used for the relief of swelling and muscular pain like sprains and other sport injuries.

In the 2nd chakra, Kanuka helps us with relationships and stimulates creative energy. In the 4th chakra, she opens us to unconditional love while protecting our heart.  When those two chakras have been balanced, she moves on to the 6th chakra and provides us with a new perspective on life and situations. She helps to balance us as we begin to expand our purpose and life energy. She connects us to the Source Energy and assists us through the transformation process. She surrounds us with unconditional love and acceptance helping us be a peace as to where we are on the journey.

Kanuka has stepped out of the shadows of the unfamiliar to help us find a new way. A subtle, sweet scent, she is full of love and invites you to discover her gifts.

Tresa and Speak to the Earth uses and recommends Wisdom of the Earth medicinal essential oils exclusively. To place an order or to receive a pricing document, contact Tresa directly.

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